Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Call for Translators

Poet/Translator Leonard Kress is putting together an anthology of Polish poetry in translation.  Here's the call he put out for translators and translations:

Translators! I would like to put together an anthology of Polish poetry (from the Middle Ages through contemporary poetry) with an emphasis on the poetic/literary value in English (no dual text). I'm thinking of work like W. H. Auden's translation of Mickiewicz's "Romanticism" or the Seamus Heaney/Baranczak versions of Kochanowski's "Treny." Before I attempt to shop this idea around, I'm curious if any of you have ideas or work you might like to see included. (I'm spurred on by the new GREEK POETS and the FSG ANTHOLOGY OF ITALIAN POETRY, though perhaps not as comprehensive. As far as I can tell there's not that much out there besides the Milosz Anthology of Modern Polish Poetry and the old Manfred Kridl Anthology of Polish Lit, etc. And though I'm surely interested in modern and contemporary, I'd also like to include lots from earlier stages. If interested, let me know and give me an idea of what poets you've translated. Please use this email address: leonard_kress@owens.edu.


The picture above is of Adam Mickiewicz.  Leonard Kress's translation of his Pan Tadeusz is available as PDF.  Click here.


Leonard Kress said...

Thank, John!

Polish interpreter said...

I could do some translation for you in my free time.