Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Recently, I've been moving (from Georgia to Virginia via U-Haul), and I've been ill (shingles!), and it's taken me a while to get back to posting about writing and writing projects the readers of this blog may be interested in. But the boxes are getting emptied (thanks to my wife Linda's will and courage) and the shingles are a little less painful than they were.

So here's some of the news I've come across:

Tony Bukoski's new collection of short stories, North of the Port, is available from Southern Methodist University Press and Amazon. This is what Stuart Dybek said about the collection: "A quintessential writer of place, Bukoski is one in whom imagination is indistinguishable from empathy. A lovely, soulful book." I know Dybek has it right. I've read Bukoski's other collections about the Polish Americans living in the hard North Country, and those stories are perfect.

Phil Boiarski, the author of the powerful Coal and Ice has recently started a blog called Boiarski the Blog. There, he shares his thoughts about writing, creativity, mother's day, and reading. The site also includes generous samplings of his creative writing.
The latest issue of Mark Pawlak's journal Hanging Loose is out now and contains poems by three Polish-American: Sharon Mesmer, Stephen Lewandowski, and me. The journal and Hanging Loose Press has a rich history of publishing excellent young and established writers.
Elisabeth Murawski has recently published a poem entitle "Twelve, Awkward, with Shame" in The Literary Review. The poem is available online at ESCENE: The Best of the Literary Journals.
Polish-American poet Jeremy Edward Shiok, the editor of Two Review, wrote to invite the readers of this blog to submit to his independent, annual print journal of poetry and nonfiction. He also invites people to stop by the journal's website to get a sense of what the journal's like.

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